Monday, July 28, 2008

It's been so looooooong....

Yup, It's been soooo long since the last time I post something on my blog.
I thought it's gonna die.

For this post, I'm not going to press enter too many times.

Anyways... My birthday was like any other days. Actually, there was something going on. It was the Interact Club Executive Committee Installation day. It's nothing special really... My saturday morning was burned off with anxiety though. What a birthday. Well, what makes holidays any better than any other days anyway? Isn't it, logically speaking, the same as any other day. What makes a day, or a period of time, so special is the emotional attachment to it. Yeah. I do not know if it is Buddhist teachings that I'm following, or is it my indifference, I always try to restrain myself from creating emotional attachments unnecessarily. I think it's not beneficial. I think... Well, people argues that even though it is not long-lasting, creating emotional attachments by making friends will benefit you emotionally. However, I'm naturally unapproachable, or unattractive, or indifferent, or all of them... That's my natural self. It's hard to change.

I received a camera as my birthday present, Hoooooray. I took a nice picture of school compounds during sunset today. These nice views are always close to me, but I never get to realise its presence. Ironic, huh? I tried to capture the beauty of the sight that i saw with my camera. Still, that picture that I captured with the camera can not match the view that I saw with my own eyes. Truly, our creator, whoever it is, is awesome! Our eyes can not be matched by any optical gadgets that are made by men. If only we have a camera function in our eyes...

Anyway, starting today, I'm gonna make an expenditure log using Excel. Currently, I'm using a book that used to be my diary. However, it's not neat at all, and a better approach to this matter will be computer software. It's more troublesome, but it's more organised. I better start now. Till next time, my friends. (though no one actually bothered to read my blog, lol)

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