Monday, September 1, 2008

"A few days worth" post

28th August
I can only remember that i was DYING for holiday.

29th August
While there should be lesson at school, despite the teacher's day celebration, I did not have any lesson. I pity my Chinese B comrades who had to go through a Chinese lesson though. I heard that their teacher is not... nice. I was hunting high and low for a teacher to give her a teacher's day present too, it's not something worth reading (then why the hell am I posting it here?). I slept throughout the afternoon.

30th August
I BOUGHT an iPod at Comex at slightly cheaper price of 365 S$. I failed to paste the free screen protector properly. Therefore, I need to purchase another set of screen protector that will cost around 12S$. Effectively, my iPod costs 377 S$, with only 11 S$ difference from the normal price.
That's all there is to note for this day

31st August
Bloody hell, I completed 10km run!!! I dun remember running non-stop, but I remember that I did not stop at all. Due to the overwhelming response to the mass run, all of us had difficulty running at the starting area. There were just too many people. Regardless, it was a good run. I drank a total of 1 litres of 100+, free of charge. I was given a pack of biscuit too. Apart from the sense of achievement, that's all there is for the day...

1st September
Sigh... I had a CCA meeting today and my committee received a bad scolding from the teacher in charge. It's partly because of me. I did not do things that I should have done. I was not initiative enough to do things on my own. I have no intention to rebuke those charges against me. What a lousy day... Well at the least all of us in the comittee had a renewed sense of responsibility after the scolding, and had a fruitful meeting after that.

I consider today a wasted day. Apart from the scolding and the meeting, and the discovery of someone's blog, nothing else was happening. Why not make it useful now... Right... Okay... Time to study...

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